Individual, Couple & Family Therapy


Counselling & Psychotherapy in North Bay, ON
Green Line

North Bay Counselling Services offers best practice evidence-based therapeutic services to address any mental health challenges you might have in these complicated times. Through a lens that recognizes the importance of your cognitive, behavioural, emotional, and spiritual well-being, we offer individual services for addictions, anxiety, panic attacks and depression; trauma counselling, including addressing power and control and violence against women, sexual abuse, and sexual assault.

Our therapeutic services also address family conflict, working with couples, grief counselling, and general brief solution-focused therapy for general mental health improvement in everyday living.

We also provide specialized therapies such as the Trans Positive Informed Consent Model of Counselling for Trans identified, non-binary, gender fluid children, youth, and adults and also for their families. Holistic therapeutic approaches cater to the mental wellness of Indigenous People, by following the Teachings of the Seven Grandfathers and the Medicine Wheel as well as an Indigenous worldview of non-interference and following the path of the Sacred Hoop.

Mack Treanor is a White, non-Indigenous Native Human Services Social Worker, who has a private practice in North Bay, Ontario. He has an MSW specializing in clinical social work and gender identity and gender expression. He has been working with transgender/non-binary and gender-variant youth and adults for 15 years.

She is a Registered Social Worker (RSW) with the OCSWSSW. She holds a Master’s in Social Work. She specializes in providing supportive counseling to those who may be struggling with a range of life difficulties. She has a passion for working alongside clients to identify their strengths and make positive life changes.


Counselling & Therapy For

Green Line


Green Line

Before starting any of the Counselling Processes, there will be a few things to consider. The Professionals at North Bay Counselling will work with you to determine your goals for what you would like to achieve.

North Bay Counsellor Mack Treanor is well known in the community for creating awareness on issues related to Gender Identity.

He has a wide range of experience in:

Social Work, Mental Health, Trauma, Sexual and Gender Identity, Depression, Stress, Anxiety, Emotional and Relationship problems, Physical or Psychosomatic Disorders, Cognitive Distortions and Behavioural Challenges.