Therapeutic Access

What is Therapeutic Access?

In Therapeutic Access, Parenting Time between a child and non-residential parent is facilitated by an experienced Social Worker/ Educator with knowledge in high-conflict relationships, separation and divorce, child development and parent/child conflict resolution.

In contrast to Supervised Parenting Time, where the supervisor is primarily monitoring parent-child interactions, in Therapeutic Access, the Social Worker/ Educator plays an active role in fostering positive parent-child interactions through counselling, goal setting, parenting skill development and supporting with child development/ appropriate conversations and supportive responses during parenting time visits.

How will it help?

Our trained social workers will offer support and tools to equip a parent to more effectively meet the needs of the children by increasing connection and helping the parent engage at a deeper level with their children.


Written reports from your parent coaching sessions will enable you to demonstrate, via a neutral third-party, the commitment you have shown to enhancing your relationship with your children and document the progress you have made.

What can I Expect:

As part of the therapeutic work and evaluation process, the clinician will schedule intake sessions with the child(ren), non-residential and residential parent.

All relevant information should be forward to the Social Work prior to starting the first session.

Visits can happen in the on-site playroom, in the community or client’s home (if assessed to be appropriate).

Fees for Service for Therapeutic Access:

Intake Fee: $280 + HST (covering document review: court orders, CAS, OCL reports etc)

Service: $140/hr